Back in 1. June past year I've been diagnosed with autism. Even through it's treated as disability I celebrate it, if I wasn't autist I would be some gay-ass swiftie NT fag. Themes of collab: Autism, fuck autism speaks, aspies
What is autism speaks?
It's gay organization that killed around 14 autists by saying them that electricizing them will solve their autism. Organization that said that autists should die. Made them look like they are retards. Sold cure for autism. and was convicing with help of schools and some health organizations that autism is something that should and can be eliminated. and, started spreading myth that vaccines can cause autism. They're basically autism hating group. We shall troll them.
Deadline is on 1. June, just to clarify
Autism Collab
Re: Autism Collab
Ik right, dude the fuckin autism diagnosis is why I cant join the military (among other fixable issues).
But yea I would be down for it
But yea I would be down for it