The Greatest Title in the World

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Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2022 3:57 pm

The Greatest Title in the World

Post by XIdiot »

If anyone got the reference in the title, be my friend.

Hi there. I'm XIdiot, or alternatively (because of this community (because of how it works (because of fun))) "Radio Lock." I just like Radios, that's all.

I'm an artist that thrives best in music, though I'm an author, and a vector artist. I can't really do traditional anymore. I'm also technically a game dev, but I actually make Interactive Fiction. My favourite subject to talk about is 80s-00s rock bands. My favourite is the Offspring in case you ask.

While I can't animate, I can do comics. Don't feel shy to send me a message or anything, I need friends anyway. Okay I already have like 5 but chat with me anyway.
Just an introductory image.
Just an introductory image.
hello.png (64.6 KiB) Viewed 10075 times
Radio Lock (XIdiot)

Vector Artist, Composer, and Author

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