I thought we were fucking dead
I thought we were fucking dead
I'm an unemployed NEET again
Re: I thought we were fucking dead
Weren't you always? 
Welcome back, during quarantine we all lost our social lives, so reverted back to Internet forums like we're all bloody teenagers again. Join the Discord, it's posted on constantly and everyone's on there.

Welcome back, during quarantine we all lost our social lives, so reverted back to Internet forums like we're all bloody teenagers again. Join the Discord, it's posted on constantly and everyone's on there.
Re: I thought we were fucking dead
You've been resurrected
Re: I thought we were fucking dead
I remember getting super pissed at you for decompiling an SWF of mine and inserting Wizard in place of my character. Good times. Glad to have you back!
Re: I thought we were fucking dead
I don't think that was me bruh, I don't know how to decompile SWFs lmao
There was some fag who joined for like two weeks called "Mushroom Wizard Lock" whose design was similar to Skor, maybe you're thinking of him.