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Re: What are you guys up to nowadays?
Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 11:54 am
by pumpkin
CloudLock wrote: ↑Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:12 pm
*Worked on an asdfmovie card game, Muffin Time, which should finally be getting sent out to people next month after obvious delays.
I helped kickstart that, looking forward to playing it ;D
Re: What are you guys up to nowadays?
Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:37 pm
by DCV
I work long hours in a rust factory.
Re: What are you guys up to nowadays?
Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 3:55 pm
by SkorLock
My first gig out of college was as a hardware/firmware engineer at a company that made fabric pressure sensors ( and shared an office/CEO with a MIDI controller company ( The BopPad was my baby:
Last year I moved across the SF Bay to work as a firmware engineer at a vertical indoor farm ( I've been writing firmware for environmental sensors and lighting controllers. I have less work to be individually proud of there, but I'm very much in love with the company mission to make fresh produce more readily available in places where field farming doesn't work and lowering land/water use and food safety risks.
Sometimes I really don't think engineering is for me though. I'm always thinking about careers to pivot to, but I'm also hooked on those tech dollars.
Re: What are you guys up to nowadays?
Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 6:00 am
by DCV
Oh is this a full history thread? My life has been an absolute shit show lol. IDK, here's the clipshow version:
Dropped out of 4 colleges
became a cna/ nurse
quit that shit ran off to North Dakota to work in the oil fields. Lived in my car (a honda crx) for a while. Found a body. Eventually got a tiny little 18 ft trailer I shared with my friend. At least it had an 8 track player. Moved up in the world to a decent camper. Found out that camper was stolen when the owner showed up, walked in a and started smoking crack in the living room and telling us her and her boyfriend were going to come back and kill us in the middle of the night. Slept with a pistol under my pillow for a couple of weeks until I was finally able to get into company housing. Was attacked by my friend before I left the trailer, wound up thoroughly destroying the inside of that trailer throughout it all.
Got fired from that job because it was a boom town and shit is crazy, lost the company housing in the middle of winter (where it can easily get to -50 F and colder with wind chill). Sold everything I couldn't fit in my car and went back to Colorado.
Found a room to rent in a house. 3 months later got evicted because my roommate had been spending all of our rent money on coke. Lost everything again. At some point wound up joining a christian rock band because the girl who lead it said she had already recorded an album and had a record deal. By the second practice session, I worked out that she had been taken in by one of those record deal scams, but stuck with it for a bit to see how much of a trainwreck it would become and because at least I was meeting a few other musicians in a new town. I was not surprised to watch this poor girl's dreams go the way of a burning monk.
Found another place, it was fine until i moved in with my then-gf. While back all this was going on in CO, worked in tech support for AT&T, as a CNA briefly, finally wound up at a plastic factory making various things. Did that until I left colorado again.
Moved to virginia because she had gotten in there for grad school. I found a job at a bowling alley factory managing international accounts (wound up overseeing a deal where we sold the king of saudi arabia a personal bowling alley lmfao). Then her latent schizophrenia came out and made my life an absolute living hell for a year. I don't want to go into too much detail because it's honestly just fucking sad, but she basically became convinced there was a government conspiracy targeting her specifically, thought I was in on it and controlling the cell signals to fuck with her (because, you know, I did
tech support for AT&T 2 years prior for, like, 8 months.) and burying murder victims in the garden plot I had cut out of the woods out back. Her response was to intentionally ruin my reputation with everyone I know by cobbling together a bunch of messenger screenshots out of order to make it look like I was some sort of sex criminal. I wound up sending her back to her family where she wound up institutionalized for some time and that's the last I wanted to hear of her so IDK how it all turned out.
A few weeks before she had gone, i got a really bad ear infection in both ears that ruptured both of my ear drums and left me completely deaf for about 3 months, so I literally could not talk to anyone. I started drinking pretty heavily once I was alone in that house. I found a roommate to cover the half of the rent that I couldn't afford. Then I had my Uber-ing car spontaneously shred the timing belt, so that car was pretty much instantly bricked and removed my supplementary income stream. Between the deafness, drinking, stress, and total isolation I lost my bowling job, then the house, and basically everything I owned that I couldn't fit into my backup car and moved back to Colorado again.
Rented a room from my grandma, found a job as a pressman at the local paper's printing press. Worked there for about 9 months then the guy who used to have my job showed up to the building with a shotgun and tried to shoot the place up. After spending 2 hours hiding on the roof and then a further 4 hours talking to police and swat team folks, I decided I was done working there. Bummed around temp agencies for a bit doing odd jobs, now I work at the rust factory making special rust for european energy companies. I'm about 3 weeks shy of being there a year.
I would list all of my jobs, but I've quite literally had more jobs than birthdays so that's a fucking fool's errand. Worked in healthcare, restaurants, stores, offices, construction, manufacturing, a movie theater, as a hotel housekeeper, landscaper, a ford dealership parts department (where my job mainly consisted of converting the basement and former town fallout shelter into a warehouse space), oil, blah blah blah. If only careers were judged by quantity instead of quality.
Re: What are you guys up to nowadays?
Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:54 am
by Carrot
DCV wrote: ↑Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:37 pm
I work long hours in a rust factory.
I work long hours in a timbermill

Re: What are you guys up to nowadays?
Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:04 am
by Coffee
Aubergine wrote: ↑Fri Jun 19, 2020 7:11 pm
It's nice to see everyone doing alright, not bad for a group of 'orrible nerds. The LL is the only online community i've ever been a part of and i've known some of you many years, i'm pretty shite at staying in touch, don't have that much time to myself these days.
I moved in with my girlfriend back in January, just before lockdown and all this nonsense kicked in. We've been together 13 years, so it was way overdue, no marriage or kids just yet though! Holding that off for as long as possible. Right now i work in retail, not particularly fascinating but i can get away with doing the least amount of work whilst still getting paid. I joined a band in 2014 for a laugh, it's nothing huge but we travel up and down the country and it's quite a lot of fun. I just treat it as a hobby, unfortunately all the gigs we had lined up have been rescheduled until next year.
I don't do any art stuff or animation these days, glad a few of you have found a way to apply your skills towards a career of sorts. Never had the patience for it
Coffee wrote: ↑Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:00 pm
I am an alcoholic who works in a bottleshop!
Normal Australian stuff then

Crazy to think we joined about the same time in 2003.
17 years, fuck haha

Re: What are you guys up to nowadays?
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 4:40 am
by FlamingPaperCup
Got hard into drugs for awhile, ending up dropping out of college. After a two year bender of hallucinogens bounced back, got my shit together, and started university.
Now I'm in the process of getting my masters for Public Relations, managing a small group of developers creating their first game, and saving my money to settle down wherever I end up after schooling.
Re: What are you guys up to nowadays?
Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 5:18 pm
by Wooper
still working at family business, i dont think i'd be able to get another job so its been the same routine for the last 15 yrs
sleep, work, and be a complete shut-in at home. i spend most time playing videogames.
only significant difference is that i bought my own house. bit too big for me but ey, hoping on a partner at some point
Re: What are you guys up to nowadays?
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 5:43 pm
by Origami
Oh my, amazing how life keeps its way.
In my case, a little summary without much crap.
*The moment I left LL as JacoLock, I went to college to learn "decent" animation for 2 years... it was a mess... I had to leave college since it was too expensive and no worthy at all...
*Got hired as 3D animator without degree at all for a Netflix series for kids.
*Started my own Youtube channel which did great, until Youtube decided to fuck animators pretty hard with their new algorithm.
*I worked plenty of time with Mashed and Studio Yotta.
*Youtube channel is completely dead, no fun allowed....
*I decided to create a Patreon, and now Im doing alright (:
Now currently living in a small town with my gf.
Re: What are you guys up to nowadays?
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:24 pm
by Arrow Lock
I doing well these days. After Lockelgion I got into tattooing, then I got tired of that and somehow landed a sweet gig in the advertising agency. I worked for about 5 years at a place called intersection. I used a lock legion animation to show that i knew flash and they loved it.
Now I work for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as an Illustrator, and I do freelance illustrator as a side hustle.
Really looking forward to sharing art and drawing with everyone again.